Let us introduce ourselves. We are Steve and Michele Ford, the owners of LargeCarMag, along with Tim Ford, Steve’s brother, who manages the website and the Digital Monthly magazine.
Both of our publications, our 6 time a year PRINT and monthly FREE DIGITAL, we will provide show coverage of as many shows and events that we can around the country. Additionally , we will provide features on the some of the BEST trucks in the country and several other sections such as Days gone by (Retro), Diesel doodles which is drawings done by kids 16 and younger, readers rides and more. We started the Online monthly magazine in 2001 because first and foremost, we love trucks and have for as long as we can remember. Second, we wanted to provide products that provide coverage of “working” show trucks for the truckers as well as the trucking enthusiasts, community and fans.
We started providing our DIGITAL ONLINE MONTHLY coverage for free to the users (you do have to sign up/register for it though) from 2022 and moving forward. We did this so that you can see what the digital is about…along with reputable advertisers doing the ride with us. For all online issues before Jan/Feb 2022, its called our legacy issues and the cost is $15.00 per year for a subscription to that older content and online version of largecarmag.com. Some overlap of content between both mags but we are pushing both on social media and on both products.
To view the DIGITAL FREE MONTHLY ONLINE mag, you can sign up here – ITS FREE! – www.largecarmag.com/signup
Our PRINT magazine is published 6 times a year. We have many distributors that sell it, we sell it in our online store AND you can also receive it as a subscription mailed directly to your home/business. The cost for the 6 time a year PRINT subscription magazine (circulates through all 50 states and 12 or so countries, & via 40 or so business locations & are sold on our website/shows) are as follows:
Domestic Print Magazine Subscription: – $50.00
Canadian Print Magazine Subscription: – $65.00
All Other Countries Print Magazine Subscription: – $75.00
To sign up for the 6 time a year PRINT magazine, you can sign up here! – https://www.largecarmag.com/subscribe/
You can log onto our website: www.largecarmag.com to sign up for both as well as browse our online store for apparel, calendars, back issues, tumblers and more, all in our online store. www.largecarmag.com/store
In addition to our PRINT magazine, Digital Legacy back issue (2022 and earlier), or our FREE DIGITAL MONTHLY magazine (2022 moving forward) we have a LARGE social media and following:
Social media:
Facebook Fan page – www.facebook.com/LargeCarMag
Instagram page – @LargeCarMag
Tik Tok – @LargeCarMag_LCM
LargeCarMag Youtube channel – www.youtube.com/@LargeCarMag
Steve Fords personal page – www.facebook.com/steve.ford.1656
If you or someone you know may be interested in advertising with us, please email, call or contact us and we’d be happy to discuss. All avenues of marketing are geared towards trying to promote us and the truck industry and keeping our name out there, so in turn, keeping your name out there. That’s our goal anyways. [email protected] 717 806 8907